Wyrd Sisters. Терри Пратчетт, Terry Pratchett The witches of Discworld, not the most joyful bunch, decide that they must get involved in the politics of the planet. The sixth "Discworld" novel. Granny Weatherwax, their obvious choice as spokesperson, finds that life in royal politics is.
Wuthering Heights Exercises with 3 CD Pack (+ Audio CD). Emily Bronte On the harsh Yorkshire moors, the passionate and violent story of two generations of the Earnshaw and Linton families plays itself out. Emily Bronte only wrote one novel and it has become one of the best loved tales in English Literature. 2005.
Wuthering Heights (+ CD). Emily Bronte When they grow up, Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff fall deeply in love. Wuthering Heights is home to the Earnshaw family, who adopt an orphan called Heathcliff. Heathcliff runs away in despair. But Catherine decides to marry Edgar Linton from
Wuthering Heights. Emily Bronte On the harsh Yorkshire moors, the passionate and violent story of two generations of the Earnshaw and Linton families plays itself out. Emily Brontë only wrote one novel and it has become one of the best loved tales in English Literature.
Wrong Man, The Bk +R Pack. Kris Anderson But who is he? Can Steve Malone find the killer? He only has two days . A man wants to kill the Police Commissioner. Из серии: Penguin Longman Active Reading
2007. An Australian thriller told in cartoon form. An Australian thriller told
Writing to Communicate 2 SB. Cynthia A. Boardman Writing to Communicate 2 guides students from writing simple paragraphs to composing well-organized essays in key rhetorical models. With a combined process and product approach, Writing to Communicate puts students on a fast track to clear and
Writing Academic Eng Bk. Ann Hogue Features * A step-by-step approach guides students through the process of writing paragraphs and essays. Now in its fourth edition, Writing Academic English, by Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue, is the essential writing text to prepare high-intermediate
Writers at Work: From Sentence to Paragraph. L. Blass Writers at Work: From Sentence to Paragraph is the lowest level in the Writers at Work series. The Writers at Work series prepares ESL students to tackle academic essay writing. However, the approach has been modified to accommodate the lower
Write Ahead Bk 1. Linda Robinson Fellag This two-level series immerses students in the writing process, with themes and activities geared to the interests and grammatical and vocabulary proficiencies of a new generation of learners. Using engaging writing assignments, relevant themes,
Wortschatz Intensivtrainer A2. Christiane Lemcke A2. Der Wortschatz Intensivtrainer ermoglicht die grundliche Einubung und Festigung des Wortschatzes der Niveaustufe A1 bzw. * Niveaustufe: A1 bis A2 * Geeignet fur: Erwachsene und Jugendliche ab 16 Jahren
Wortschatz Intensivtrainer A1. Christiane Lemcke A2. Der Wortschatz Intensivtrainer ermoglicht die grundliche Einubung und Festigung des Wortschatzes der Niveaustufe A1 bzw. * Niveaustufe: A1 bis A2 * Geeignet fur: Erwachsene und Jugendliche ab 16 Jahren
Worter zur Wahl. Aktualisierte Neuausgabe. Magda Ferenbach, Ingrid Schubler - In vielen abwechslungsreichen Ubungen wird die treffende Wortwahl gelernt und gefestigt. Fur Mittel- und Oberstufe, auch geeignet zum Selbststudium. - Ausfuhrliche Losungen im Anhang dienen der Selbstkontrolle. - Ubungen mit unterschiedlichen
World Folktales The collection includes folktales from South America, Africa, India, China, and Europe. Classic / American English These nine stories will take the reader on an exciting journey to distant cultures and times. 2008.
Demille Nelson: Word of Honour. Нелсон Демилл, Nelson Demille Ben Tyson has a skeleton in his closet. International No 1 bestelling novelist`s electrifying thriller about the moral maze of man at war. This secret threatens his family, his career and his very existence. His skeleton is about to be exposed.
Wonders of World Bk +R Pk. Vicky Shipton There are famous buildings, old and new. Around the world there are many beautiful places. Some are the tallest or biggest in the world. Some are interesting; some are important. The Great Wall, Machu Picchu, the Grand Canyon, the Taj Mahal.
Woman Who Walked into Doors. Родди Дойл Paula Spencer recalls her contented childhood, the audacity she learned as a teenager, the exhilaration of her romance with Charlo, and the marriage to him that left her powerless. The story of a woman struggling to reclaim her dignity after a
The Woman Who Disappeared; Level 4, Intermediate. Philip Prowse A beautiful blonde woman hires Lenny Samuel to find her missing sister. A tongue-in-cheek story of the adventures of a Los Angeles private detective. And. Before long the stage also contains gunmen, dead bodies, world-weary policemen and jewel
Wolf to the Slaughter. Рут Ренделл No register to sign, no questions asked, and for five bucks a man could have three hours of undisturbed, illicit lovemaking. It was better than a hotel, this anonymous room on a secluded side street of a small country town. Then one evening a man
Woerter-Bilder-Situationen. Theo Scherling, Walter Lohfert Schwerpunkte sind das Erlernen von Wbrtern und Redeimitteln durch Bilder und die Fbrderung des Sprechens uber Sachen, Sachverhalte und Handlungen. Worter - Bilder - Situationen: ist ein didaktisches Bilderbuch fur Anfanger im Fach Deutsch als
Without Remorse. Том Клэнси 1997. In order to save himself and stop a sinister gup of men, John Clark undertakes a terrifying mission into the netherworld of international conspiracy.
Witch & Wizard. Джеймс Паттерсон For fifteen-year-old Wisty and her older brother Whit, life turns upside-down when they are hauled out of bed one night, separated from their parents, and thrown into a secret compound for no reason they can comprehend. The world is changing - the
Wirtschaftskommunikation Deutsch Lehrbuch. Eismann Volker * Niveaustufe: B2 bis C1 * Geeignet fur: Lerner im In- und Ausland, die Deutsch fur eine berufliche Tatigkeit benotigen
2010. In der Neubearbeitung von "Wirtschaftskommunikation Deutsch" wurden die Themen und Inhalte aktualisiert und das
Wirtschaftsdeutsch von A bis Z. Buhlmann Rosemarie * Altersempfehlung: Erwachsene * Niveaustufe: B1 bis B2
2008. In der Aktualisierung des Bandes "Wirtschaftsdeutsch von A bis Z" werden rund 450 wichtige Begriffe aus dem Fachwortschatz Wirtschaft erklart und geubt.
Wirtschaftsdeutsch f. Anf.-Aufbaustufe, Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch Auch fur Selbstlerner geeignet. Grund- und AufbaustufeFur Lernende mit geringen oder keinen Deutschkenntnissen, die berufliche Kontakte mit deutschen Partnern im Bereich Wirtschaft haben oder im deutschsprachigen Raum beruflich tatig sind.
Wir 1, Arbeitsbuch. Sandra Brown Wir - это пособие по немецкому языку для детей от 6 до 10 лет. Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику Wir 1 начальный уровень. Рабочая тетрадь Wir 1
Wilhelm Tell. AB mit Loes.. Фридрих Шиллер mit neuer Rechtschreibung. Das Drama wurde auf Grundlage derOriginalausgabe von 1804 fur die Schule bearbeitet von Diethard Lubke. angemessen gekurzt. in Wortschatz und Satzbau behutsam dem modernen Deutsch angepasst. Формат: 11 см x 17
Demille Nelson: Wild Fire. Nelson Demille Fast-paced and gripping, it is also one of the wittiest thrillers you`ll ever read. A John Corey adventure, which many are saying is his best book yet. 2007. Corey`s deadplan humour marks him out as a true original.
Widows of Eastwick, The. Джон Апдайк Darryl Van Horne is gone. When the three witches - now old, remarried and widowed - decide to go back to Eastwick to spend a summer together, many things have changed. The lithe and supple bodies with which they. Their husbands and lovers have
Widgets SB. Marcos Benevides 2008. Widgets is a unique, integrated four-skills course that places particular emphasis on oral communication and uses a task-based approach to communicative language teaching.
White Woman on Green Bicycle (Orange Prize shortlist). Monique Roffey Her only solace is her growing fixation with the charismatic leader of the new national party, to whom she pours out her hopes and fears in letters that she never sends. When George and Sabine Harwood arrive in Trinidad from England George takes to
White Fang with audio-CD; Level 2, Elementary. Джек Лондон, Jack London Knowing only cruelty of man and the violence of nature, White Fang becomes the most savage and wild of dogs, until he is rescued by. White Fang; half-dog, half-wolf is raised in the wild but soon becomes the property of Gray Beaver, a Yukon Indian.
Whispering Nickel Idols. Глен Кук In TunFaire, a city of gorgeous women, powerful sorcerers and dangerous magic, the beautiful, criminally insane daughter of a comatose crime boss has some lascivious designs on private investigator Garrett-who now has to figure out why everyone is.
While My Pretty One Sleeps. Мэри Хиггинс Кларк Ethel, a bestselling author famous for her juicy expos
1990. Neeve Kearny may be the only person in New York worried about the disappearance of Ethel Lambston.
Where's Rex? Reader. Paul Shipton This work aims to provide reinforcement of the basic structures and vocabulary contained in the most major primary. Part of a 6 level series of readers for children learning English, which brings together a variety of fiction and non-fiction
What a Life Book 3. Milada Broukal Each book in the What A Life! Series takes a multicultural approach, featuring 24 short biographies on inspirational figures from all over the world. This three-book series takes a fresh approach to making reading both pleasurable and motivating!
Welcome Back Team Accent Punch-Outs (60 pieces) 24 megaphones. Accents for your bulletin boards Use as name tags notes rewards and much more 60 pieces:. 12 pompoms. 12 stars. 2007. 12 pennants.