Komma, Punkt und alle anderen Satzzeichen. Christian Stang, Anja Steinhauer Samtliche Regeln zur deutschen Zeichensetzung werden durch praxisnahe Beispiele erklart. Ein hilfreicher Ratgeber fur alle, die es genau wissen wollen. 2011. Faustregeln, Tipps und ubersichtliche Tabellen helfen, die Bestimmungen umzusetzen.
Die schriftliche Arbeit. Jurg Niederhauser Die zentralen Themen dieses Buches sind die Festlegung des Themas, die Literatursuche, Materialsammlung, -sortierung und -auswertung sowie die Informationsrecherche im Internet. Was kennzeichnet eine Abschlussarbeit an der Uni oder in der Schule?
Hotel Savoy. Joseph Roth Doch wer am livrierten Portier vorbei durch seine Eingangstur tritt, trifft im Inneren auf die bunten Existenzen einer durcheinandergeratenen Zeit: Soldaten, Millionare, Bankrotteure, Variete-Tanzerinnen und Devisenschieber. Das Hotel Savoy mit
Deutschland. Heinrich Heine Konigs Erlauterungen bieten Band fur Band verlassliche Lernhilfen fur Schuler und weiterfuhrende Informationsquellen fur Lehrer und andere Interessierte, sie sind verstandlich und pragnant geschrieben. Sie brauchen fur Ihre Schullekture sofort eine
English at work (+ CD). Anthony Cosgrove Ideal for busy teachers, this supplementary resource book features ready-to-go photocopiable lessons based on themes related to the workplace. A photocopiable resource book designed to prepare learners for the world of work. All activities are
Ricette per Parlare. Sonia Bailini, Silvia Consonno L’obiettivo ? quello di offrire ai docenti uno strumento di lavoro valido con attivit? piacevoli e veloci da preparare. Ricette per parlare ? una raccolta di attivit? e giochi per lo sviluppo della competenza orale, con istruzioni chiare per il
Quaderni del PLIDA - A2 (+ CD). Christina Menzinger, D. D`Aguanno, S. Guigni Il primo risultato di questo accordo e l’inaugurazione di una linea editoriale dedicata all’insegnamento della lingua italiana, ALMAPLIDA, che combina lo stile innovativo e il rigore scientifico delle pubblicazioni di Alma Edizioni con il
Italiano per modo di dire. Gianluca Aprile Il testo si propone di soddisfare la curiosita di studenti interessati alla lingua viva e alle sue molteplici sfaccettature, spesso rivelatrici di aspetti profondi della cultura, della storia e della tradizione. Уровень: A1/B2 Italiano per
500 французских слов С помощью специальной цветной закладки вы сможете закрепить пройденный материал и проверить свои знания. Этот учебный словарь
500 немецких слов С помощью специальной цветной закладки вы сможете закрепить пройденный материал и проверить свои знания. Этот учебный словарь
Мои первые 1000 немецких слов С помощью специальной цветной закладки вы сможете закрепить пройденный материал и проверить свои знания. Этот учебный словарь
Французский за 30 дней. Михелине Функе В 30 уроках описываются события из жизни русской девушки, изучающей французский язык, которая приезжает во Францию и останавливается во
Мои первые 500 немецких слов С помощью специальной цветной закладки вы сможете закрепить пройденный материал и проверить свои знания. Этот учебный словарь
Английский разговорник. Е.И. Лазарева Английский текст снабжен практической транскрипцией, передающей звуки английского языка средствами русской графики. Английский
Started Early, Took My Dog. Kate Atkinson Both appear miserable and better off without each other-or so decides Tracy, in a snap decision that surprises herself as much as Kelly. Tracy Waterhouse leads a quiet, ordered life as a retired police detective-a life that takes a surprising turn
Killing Floor. Ли Чайлд, Lee Child Jack Reacher jumps off a bus and walks fourteen miles in the rain, just passing through. Margrave is a no-account little town in Georgia. But Margrave has just had its. An arbitrary decision, a tribute to a guitar player who died there decades
Blasphemer. Nigel Farndale 2011. Shortlisted for the 2010 Costa Novel Award, an astonishing, ambitious and masterful new novel, with echoes of Birdsong, that reads at the pace of a thriller.
Private. James Patterson It is where you go when you need maximum force and maximum discretion. Former US Marine Jack Morgan runs Private, a renowned investigation company with branches around the globe. In L.A. , Jack is already deep into the investigation of a
How to Talk Like a Local. From Cockney to Geordie. Susie Dent From dardledumdue, which means daydreamer in East Anglia, through forkin robbins, the Yorkshire term for earwigs, to clemt, a Lancashire word that means hungry, it investigates an astonishingly rich variety of regional expressions, and provides a
Comfort of Strangers. Ian McEwan They groom themselves meticulously, as though there waits someone who cares deeply about how they appear. As their holiday unfolds, Colin and Maria are locked into their own intimacy. 2001. Then, they meet a man with a disturbing story to tell
Money. Martin Amis Rolling around New York and London, he makes deals, spends wildly and does reckless movie-world business, all the while grabbing everything he can to sate his massive appetites: alcohol, tobacco, pills, pornography, a mountain of junk food and
In Between the Sheets. Ian McEwan Ian McEwan received the Somerset Maugham Award in 1976 for a previous collection of short stories entitled First Love, Last Rites . A collection of macabre short stories. 2002.
Bloody Valentine (Quick Read). James Patterson However, their plans for Valentine’s Day are about to be torn apart by the most violent murder. Mega-rich restaurant owner Jack Barnes and his second wife Zee are very much in love. Is it one of them, or could it be the work of an outsider with
Leonardo da Vinci (+ CD). Georgia Clarke He brought his scientific and artistic abilities together so successfully that he is as famous now, five hundred years after his death, as in his lifetime. Leonardo Da Vinci Book and CD-ROM Pack: Level 4 Known world-wide as the painter of the Mona
The Galapagos (+ CD). Izabella Hearn They are full of interesting animals and birds. The Galapagos Book and CD-Rom Pack: Level 1 The Galapagos Islands are beautiful. Now the two young Americans, Sophie and David, are making a movie there. One famous visitor to the islands , in 1835,
The First Emperor of China (+ CD). Jane Rollason He had new ideas and made new laws. Around the Ying Zheng, king of Qin, became the first emperor of China. But life was difficult for his people and dangerous for the emperor. He built big palaces - and a great wall. Из серии: Penguin
Bleak House (+ CD). Charles Dickens People are born, marry and die, and still the case continues. The lgal case of Jarndyce and Jarndyce has become a joke to some people. But will the lives of Ada and Richard be ruined, like so many before? And how will their friend Esther be
Q. Skills for Success - Reading & Writing 3. Teacher Book. Jenni Currie Santamaria Q: Skills for Success uses an essential question in every unit to connect critical thinking, language skills and learning outcomes. Q: Skills for Success is a six-level series with two strands, Reading and Writing and Listening and Speaking. Q is
Oxford Read and Discover 3. Sound and Music. Richard Northcott Fascinating information in carefully graded language appeals to a broad range of students and supports English across the curriculum, making the series perfect for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). These motivating non-fiction
New Horizons 2. Work Book. Paul Radley, Daniela Simons New Horizons includes 100% new content and updated exam training to prepare students for the B1 school-leaving exam. New Horizons is a four-level upper secondary course that sets achievable goals and builds confidence. Practical grammar exercises
Emotions Revealed. Recognizing Faces & Feelings. Paul Ekman 2007. A renowned expert in nonverbal communication, Ekman assembles his research and theories to provide a comprehensive look at the evolutionary roots of human emotions, including anger, sadness, fear, disgust, and happiness.
Wild Animals. A Hungry Visitor. M. Omerod This series can be used as supplementary reading. Fun, cultural and informative, this series of readers offers an extensive range of fiction and non-fiction titles that reinforce the basic structures and vocabulary found in most primary courses.
Radio D Sprachkurs mit Hoertexten fuer Anfaenger Themen und Inhalte Paula und Philipp, die Redakteure der Horfunkabteilung Radio D, recherchieren mysteriose Falle. Zielgruppen und Niveaustufe Fur Lernende, die mit oder ohne Lehrer die sprachlichen Strukturen der Niveaustufe A1 erarbeiten oder
Bitterschokolade. Lehrerband Das didaktische Material gliedert den Lesestoff in eine Vorphase mit zusatzlichen Texten, Bildern und Aufgaben zur Einfuhrung in die Thematik, die eigentliche Lesephase mit Ubungen zur Forderung des globalen Verstehens und zur Aktivierung des
Einfach schreiben! A2-B1. Sandra Hohmann - trainiert den schriftlichen Ausdruck auf den Niveaustufen A2-B1 - fordert schrittweise die Schreibkompetenz - ermoglicht ein intensives Training der Textsorten Brief und E-Mail - bereitet auf den Teil "Schreiben" in den Prufungen Start Deutsch 2,