Suena Interactiva 1 Nivel Inicial (1 y 2). Collectif Basado en las actividades del metodo SUENA. Concebido como complemento al metodo SUENA, constituye un material idoneo para el aprendizaje personalizado y autonomo, muy util como complemento en clae, en el laboratorio de idiomas o en casa. Incluye
Tormento Nivel Inicial. Perez Galdos Benito La razon de su inesperado regreso es que esta enamorado de Amparo, que sirve en la casa у con quiere casarse. Don Agustin Caballero, un hombre rico, regresa de Burdeos para visitar a sus primos en Madrid. Pero Amparo guarda un secreto que no
Leyendas Nivel Inicial (+CD). Gustavo Adolfo Becquer Se han simplificado las descripciones y el amplio vocabulario. Tres son las leyendas seleccionadas: El monte de las ánimas, La cruz del diablo y Maese Pérez el organista. Из серии: Espanol Lengua Extranjera
Fonetica. Nivel elemental (+CD). Collectif Cada unidad comienza con una ficha explicativa de la manera de pronunciar las consonantes y las vocales y con una representacion grafica de su sonido. Un estudio gradual teorico-practico del sistema fonologicos espanol para estudiantes de Espanol
Manana 1 Libro del Profesor (+CD). Collectif Parte de una programacion coherente de los contenidos funcionales, gramaticales, lexicos, ortograficos у foneticos, que se practican a traves de actividades de diversa tipologfa donde se integran las cuatro destrezas: leer, escribir, hablar у
El sombrero de tres picos (+CD). Pedro Antonio De Alarcon Ariza Se han mantenido los elementos fundamentales de la narración. La obra narra la historia de Doña Frasquita, una molinera casada con el tío Lucas y a la que quiere seducir el Corregidor de una pequeña ciudad andaluza. Из
Ejercicios de gramatica Nivel Inicial. Josefa Martin Garcia Sirve como libro de autoaprendizaje o como complemento en el aula. 60 ejercicios ordenados por su grado de dificultad; incluye ejercicios de autoevaluación y las soluciones. Из серии: Espanol Lengua Extranjera
Мои первые 1500 немецких слов С помощью специальной цветной закладки вы сможете закрепить пройденный материал и проверить свои знания. Этот учебный словарь
Don Quijote de la Mancha. Miguel de Cervantes However, the coarse and vulgar society doesn’t understand him and rejects his views. Friendly, honest, idealistic and big-hearted, Don Quijote wants to impose on the world his views on life, guided by love, by justice and by honour. Из
La cajita de hueso (+ CD). Clotilde de Toledo Their investigation leads them to a strange professor…
Из серии: Leer y Aprender
2011. What is the secret of the bone case which Sara bought at the market of Plaza Redonda in Valenza? Whatever the secret is, Sara and her twin sister Lola
Erich ist Verschwunden (+ CD). Regina Bottcher, Susanne Lang, S. Czarnecki Where is he? Has he escaped? Has he been kidnapped? His parents and his sister are worried and ask the police to help them. Erich has not come back from school. The new edition of a successful story whose activities and dossiers have been
The Design Hotels Book By presenting 200 spectacular hotels, including 47 properties that are new for 2011, the book provides insight into trends and developments in hospitality design. The new edition of The Design Hotels Book is a comprehensive overview of the most
My Quiet of Gold. SEEK Volume 02 / Kyrgyzstan. Sarah Cooper The artist duo Sarah Cooper and Nina Gorfer are working at the intersection of contemporary photography with painting of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. An enchantingly beautiful exploration of a far-away land. For their book My Quiet of
Neo-classical Furniture Designs. Thomas King 1995. Influential guide displays over 300 illustrations of Grecian designs: fire screens, sofas, couches, chairs, footstools, commodes, pier tables, sideboards, washstands, bedsteads and many other items.
Floral Vector Designs (+ CD). Alan Weller Includes a gallery of inspiring ideas, tutorials, and 200 Vector-based images that can be increased in size without losing quality. Bouquets of chrysanthemums, roses, and cherry blossoms, plus fantasy flowers found only in the garden of the
Oxford School Dictionary. Dictionaries Oxford Each entry contains clear numbered meanings, word classes, inflections, easy pronunciation guides, supporting example sentences and notes to help with using the words accurately. This authoritative dictionary is a comprehensive school dictionary
Banana Machine. Александер Макколл Смит 2006. A story in which a girl uses her technical ingenuity and a lot of imagination to challenge nature and find a way out of a desperate situation.
Кентервильское привидение (+CD). Оскар Уайльд Блестящий слог и неповторимый стиль автора не только подарят радость от чтения, но и помогут вам улучшить свой английский. В комплекте
New York. Vicky Shipton Read about its history, its sights and its people. Original / American English Every year, millions of tourists visit New York - the most exciting city in the world. What makes New York the city that never sleeps?
Oxford Read and Discover: Level 6: Earth Then and Now. Robert Quinn The readers are graded at four levels, from 3 to 6, suitable for students from age 8 and older. This exciting new series of non-fiction readers provides interesting and educational content, with activities and project work. They can support
Life in Rainforests. Cheryl Palin The readers are graded at four levels, from 3 to 6, suitable for students from age 8 and older. This exciting new series of non-fiction readers provides interesting and educational content, with activities and project work. They can support
Optimal A1 Lehrerhandbuch (+CD). Elke Burger Lehrer-CD-ROM: Kopierfahiges zusatzliches Ubungsmaterial zu Horen, Lesen, Sprechen, Schreiben, Wortschatz und Grammatik; Spiel- und Projektvorschlage; Hinweise zur Verknupfung der Gbungen auf der CD-ROM mit den Aufgaben und Gbungen von
Fraenze. Peter Haertling Eines Tages wird der Vater arbeitslos und fangt an zu trinken. Franze wachst in einer nicht sehr beguterten Kleinfamilie auf und geht aufs Gymnasium. Nicht lieferbar fur die deutschsprachigen Lander. Immer ofter kommt er nachts nicht nach Hause