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Writing Academic Eng Bk. Ann Hogue

Writing Academic Eng Bk. Ann Hogue

1035 руб Заказать
Features * A step-by-step approach guides students through the process of writing paragraphs and essays. Now in its fourth edition, Writing Academic English, by Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue, is the essential writing text to prepare high-intermediate and advanced college or college-bound English language learners for academic success. *Examples with academic content prime students for college work. *Clear models and varied practice help students to develop confidence and a mature writing style. New to the Fourth Edition * A chapter dedicated to each pattern of essay organization * A chapter on argumentation and using material from outside sources * Thought-provoking readings from authentic sources * An expanded chapter on summary and paraphrase * Instruction in the basics of research and documentation The Longman Academic Writing Series also includes: * Level 1 Fundamentals of Academic Writing* Level 2 First Steps in Academic Writing, Second Edition* Level 3 Introduction to Academic Writing, Third Edition
2005. *Appendices offer easy reference for key writing, grammar, and research information.
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