Eat, Pray, Love. Элизабет Гилберт Three years later, after a protracted divorce, she embarked on a yearlong trip of recovery, with three main stops: Rome, for pleasure (mostly gustatory, with a special emphasis on gelato); an ashram outside of Mumbai, for spiritual searching; and
Eat, Pray, Love. Элизабет Гилберт 2007. The celebrated author of The Last American Man creates an irresistible, candid, and eloquent account of her pursuit of worldly pleasure and spiritual devotion.
Beautiful and Damned. F. Scott Fitzgerald Из серии: Signet Classics
2007. Here is a portrait of greed, ambition, and squandered talent, as depicted in the lives of the very wealthy Anthony Patch and his willful wife Gloria.
Planet 1. Lehrerhandbuch. Niveau A1. Katharina Meyer-Rankes 2005. Das Lehrerhandbuch enthalt neben Hilfen und Hinweisen zu jedem Unterrichtsschritt Kontrolltests und Kopiervorlagen sowie eine alphabetische Liste des kompletten Wortschatzes.
Sicher ist nur eins Leseheft. Franz Specht Was steckt dahinter? Spionage? Erpressung? Mobbing? Alles zusammen? Oder nichts davon? Sicher ist nur eins: Walter Dessauer verliert seinen Job, wenn Detektiv Carsten Tsara den Fall nicht. In einer Hightech-Firma ist eine wichtige Akte
Und jetzt ihr! Basisgrammatik fur Jugendliche. Christine Spath Die Beispiele sind grafisch ansprechend gestaltet und viele Zeichnungen helfen zusatzlich, die Funktion der Strukturen zu verdeutlichen. Die Basisgrammatik fur Jugendliche bereitet den Grammatikstoff in klaren und einfach formulierten Erklarungen
Ubungsgrammatik fur Anfanger Lehr- und Ubungsbuch. Renate Luscher Die padagogische Grammatik fuhrt von einfachen Strukturen und Satzen zum Niveau des Zertifikats. Einfache Erklarungen, klare Beispiele, gute Ubungen: die komplette Grammatik zum Nachschlagen und Uben fur das Zertifikat Deutsch und etwas daruber
Franz, Munchen. Thomas Silvin Das Dorf ist zu eng für ihn, er geht in die Großstadt und will die große Welt kennenlernen. Franz soll von seinem Vater die Dorfwirtschaft übernehmen, aber er weigert sich. Als Star-Koch feiert er Triumphe…
Literatura Espanola Contemporanea. Luis Ocasar Jose Altas cimas del arte minoritario conviven con importantes exitos populares; lo vanguardista y lo tradicional se dan la mano. La literatura espanola del siglo XX es una fascinante sucesion de contrastes. Todos estos aspectos tan diversos quedan
Gol II Libro (+CD). Robert Rigby Beckham, Zidane, Casillas, Raul. Santiago Munez, un futbolista de elite, viaja a Espana para alcanzar su maximo sueno: jugar en el Real Madrid, uno de los clubes mas importantes del mundo, y triunfar en la liga de campeones junto a varios de los
Con amor y con palabras - Nivel elemental II (libro + CD). Rodriguez Valladares Graduadas en los seis niveles de aprendizaje, presta especial atencion a las necesidades especificas de las diversas etapas del aprendizaje. Lecturas graduadas es una completa serie de atractivas narraciones escritas especificamente para el
Говорим по-японски. Фудзита Наойя К упражнениям даются ключи. Книга содержит интересный грамматический и лексический материал, мини-словари, информацию по
Top Notch 2 with Super CD-ROM Workbook. Joan M. Saslow, Allen Ascher With a rock-solid learner-center approach, Top Notch provides students an opportunity to confirm their own progress at the end of every easy-to-teach two-page lesson. Top Notch, a dynamic 6-level communicative course, sets a new standard, using the
Top Notch: Student Book 1 (+CD). Joan M. Saslow, Allen Ascher With a rock-solid learner-centered approach, Top Notch provides students an opportunity to confirm their own progress at the end of every easy-to-teach two-page lesson. Top Notch, a dynamic 6-level course for international communication, sets a new
Sherlock Holmes Short Stories (+ DVD). Артур Конан Дойл, Arthur Conan Doyle These include several suspicious deaths, the mystery of the engineer with the missing thumb, and the strange case of the two men who share a very unusual name. Classic/British English In these six stories we join the brilliant detective, Sherlock
Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Bk (+DVD). Mark Twain He has them at home, at school, and with his friends - Huck Finn, Joe Harper, and Becky Thatcher. Classic / American English (Available February 2008) Tom Sawyer loves adventures. Who does he see in those places - and why is he afraid?
2008. Tom
Quaderni del PLIDA - A1 (libro + DVD) Il primo risultato di questo accordo e l’inaugurazione di una linea editoriale dedicata all’insegnamento della lingua italiana, ALMAPLIDA, che combina lo stile innovativo e il rigore scientifico delle pubblicazioni di Alma Edizioni con il
Healthcare in Russia. How to Cope with the Current Challenges. Гузель Улумбекова It analyzes the demography and the current health status of population in Russian Federation during the last 30 years (in comparison with the original version, more data were included to cover the period to the year 2009). This edition presents a
Immunology (+ CD). Рахим Мусаевич Хаитов The most recent knowledge about innate immunity and the mechanisms of generation of adoptive immunity is presented at the organismic, cellular and molecular genetic levels. This textbook submits the modern data on all aspects of structure and
Corsets. Jill Salen There are even corsets for small children and their dolls. Progressing through almost two centuries of corset-making, this fascinating collection showcases an astonishing range of period pieces, from the 1750 whale-boned corsets, through the
Немецкий язык. Таблицы глагольных форм Подробно рассмотрено образование временных форм глагола, наглядно представлены особенности их правописания. Данное справочное
Курс делового английского языка Материал дан в четком разделении на темы и подкреплен многочисленными практическими заданиями с подсказками и ответами. Курс делового
Suena 1. Libro del Profesor (+2 CD). Anaya Ediciones El metodo Suena esta inscrito en las directrices generales del Instituto Cervantes, у роr ello obtuvo el reconocimiento de esta institucion en su momento. Este metodo es producto de la labor de un equipo de lingiiistas у profesores de espanol
Питер Пэн (+CD). Джеймс Мэтью Барри Текст сказки дан в адаптации, что делает ее полезным пособием для изучающих английский язык. Захватывающая история о приключениях
Мои первые 1500 английских слов С помощью специальной цветной закладки вы сможете закрепить пройденный материал и проверить свои знания. Этот учебный словарь
Permission Marketing. Turning Strangers into Friends. Seth Godin Seth Godin calls this Interruption Marketing, and, as companies are discovering, it no longer works. Whether it is the TV commercial that breaks into our favourite programme or the telemarketing phone call that disrupts a family meal, traditional
Night of the Solstice. Лиза Джейн Смит Not just any fox, this vixen is the magical familiar of the sorceress Morgana Shee. When Claudia Hodges-Bradley meets a fox, she knows it will be an extraordinary day. She alone holds the secret of the mirrors that serve as the last surviving
The Hunger Games. Сьюзен Коллинз, Suzanne Collins But Katniss has been close to death before - and survival, for her, is second nature. Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen regards it as a death sentence when she is forced to represent her district in the annual Hunger Games, a fight to the death on
Henry VIII & his Wicked Wives. Alan MacDonald But the book will also tell them the facts no other biography is likely to tell them - that Henry: was a handsome hunk and sports star; accused his second wife of witchcraft; and, bricked up his bedroom or at night. Readers might already know that