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Ecrits de Guerre (1939-1944). Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Ecrits de Guerre (1939-1944). Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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In 1939, while Saint-Exupery won a resounding success with Terre des Hommes, he was mobilized in Toulouse as a monitor, but he wants to be fighting and struggling to get there. The many enthusiasts Saint-Exupery, this book provides, for the period 1939-1944, a set of documents and testimony, sometimes known but dispersed or inaccessible, often unpublished, that light strongly his attitude during the war and destiny. He left Bordeaux for North Africa, where he thinks of ways to continue the fight. After the memorable flight reconnaissance Arras is the debacle and the armistice. While continuing to work at Citadel manuscript he prepared at the request of his publishers free of the Battle of France. He hopes that the United States take up arms, and at the end of 1940, he moved to New York. In Paris, at the same time, the collaborationist press unleashed will prohibit the French edition of Pilot war . Fighter pilot (released February 1942), followed in early 1943, Letter to a Hostage and The Little Prince. Thus, from the landing of 1942, he try to join his group recognition, reconstituted in North Africa. During his exile, Saint-Exupery suffers from the division of the French and the hostility of the "super-patriots" to overseas. Several months pass in solitude and suffering that many letters reveal here. Having joined Algeria and unity in the spring of 1943, he will play against him the age limit and stop flying.
1994. When finally get back to his squadron, it will multiply the missions on the continent busy and fulfilled, July 31, 1944, that he will not return.
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