Phonetiktrainer A1-B1. Kerstin Reinke Realizacja poziomow od A1 do B1. Aussichten - kurs dla mlodziezy i doroslych rozpoczynajacych nauke jezyka niemieckiego od podstaw. 2012.
Французский язык. Самоучитель. А. Страхова Он позволяет выработать речевые навыки, необходимые для общения и чтения несложной литературы, и овладеть основами грамматики: уроки
Zenith 1 (+ DVD). Chein Sandrine 2012. Zenith is a method "ready to use" both comprehensive and easy to use with confidence to develop all language and cultural skills required by the Common European Framework of Reference.
Карманный русско-французский разговорник Материал сформирован по тематическому принципу и включает разделы "Путешествие", "Отдых", "Покупки", "Здоровье", "Вывески и надписи" и др.
Oxford First French Flashcards. David Melling 50 double-sided cards show an illustration, French word, and English translation. Oxford First French Flashcards are an ideal tool to give young children a head start in learning French in an engaging and interactive way. Ideal for using across
A Vrai Dire Intermediate A2/B1 Pack. Regine Boutegege A vrai dire. est une methode de langue et de civilisation francaises destinee aux debutants et faux debutants. Chaque volume est organise en 4 etapes de 2 unites chacune, auxquelles s’ajoute une unite 0. Elle permet d’atteindre un niveau B1+
Quitter Dakar (+ CD). Delhomme Sophie-Anne Manuela, his mother was a woman elusive, alternately tender and negligent, remote and seductive. Several years after the death of his mother, a young French returned to Dakar, the city of his childhood. She loved passionately Dakar and in this
Le Secret de la Cabane (+ CD). Chadet Jeanne You will discover smugglers spring, teenagers in summer, autumn and fishermen lost children in winter, Christmas Eve. What is the secret of the mysterious shack on the beach? To find out, read the adventures of his visitors told four stories.
Echo junior A2 (+ DVD). Jacky Girardet, Jacques Pecheur Из серии: Echo junior
2012. Echo Junior est une methode pour adolescents (16 a 18 ans) veritablement actionnelle et organisee par niveau du cadre europeen commun de reference (CECR) Echo Junior place les adolescents des annees lycee au
Pixel 4. Guide Pedagogique. Sylvie Schmitt The structure is clear and simple, and the content centres on the life and interests of French adolescents. A course for adolescents to be published in 4 parts, covering levels A1-B1 of the Common European Framework. Из серии: Pixel
Chanson Du Hibou Nouveaute. S. Guilmault, Paola Traverso Un jour, un enorme hibou arrive. Tous les matins, les petits oiseaux reveillent les animaux de la foret. Cependant, lorsque la nuit arrive et que le bois devient sombre et silencieux, le hibou commence a chanter sa magnifique chanson…
Alors? 2 DVD + Livret. Jean-Claude Beacco Concue dans cet esprit d’ouverture et de communication, la methode met en oeuvre l’approche par competences. Alors ? c’est a la fois une invitation a parler et a echanger et une curiosite qui interpelle l’autre. Pour chaque niveau (A1, A2,
Destination DELF B2 (+ CD). Elisabeth Faure, A. Lepori-Pitre 2012. Les quatre volumes de la collection Destination DELF sont specifiquement concus pour la preparation aux epreuves du DELF Junior et Scolaire (niveaux A1, A2, B1, B2) mis a jour dans le respect des instructions officielles diffusees par la
Anemone et les Poissons-Clowns. Paola Traverso Life is good although they are afraid of three particularly big, bad fish! But help is at hand in the shape of Anmone. The four little clown fish just love swimming and playing at the bottom of the deep blue sea. Из серии: Facile a
Pierre et le loup. Ruth Hobart Pierre’s grandfather warns him about going into the forest: it’s still winter, so the wolves are hungry! But of course, Peter doesn’t listen. This version of the much-loved Russian tale ends in a way that that will surprise and delight all
Mobile 1 niveau A1 (+ CD). Alice Reboul Mobile offers an effective learning based on: - An acquisition structured in three stages: Explore / Express / Exchange - special attention to the vocabulary to enrich the expression - of dcuments varied, authentic when possible, to reflect the
Mobile 1 niveau A1. Alice Reboul This workbook is available in three formats: - Paper - CD-ROM - iPad Application
2012. Exercises reshuffling and systematization drives to extend autonomy and a balance sheet to take stock of its achievements.
Mobile 2 niveau A2. Laurence Alemanni This workbook is available in three formats: - Paper - CD-ROM - iPad Application
2012. Exercises reshuffling and systematization drives to extend autonomy and a balance sheet to take stock of its achievements.