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Hussard sur le toit (Le). Giono Jean

Hussard sur le toit (Le). Giono Jean

758 руб Заказать
Why the roof? What does it take to get there? Nothing less than a cholera epidemic ravaging Provence in 1830, and conducted revolutionary Carbonari Piedmont. The Horseman on the roof with its allure of rhyme, as this plot. He wants to find Giuseppe, Carbonaro like him, who lives in Manosque. The Horseman is primarily an adventure story: Angelo Pardi young colonel of hussars in exile in France, is responsible for a mysterious mission. One night, during an expedition, he met an amazing and wonderful woman. But cholera is: the roads are blocked, barricaded cities, travelers are put in quarantine, Angelo suspected of having poisoned the fountains! Refuge only discovered by chance, the roofs of Manosque! Between heaven and earth, he observes the unrest funeral humans, contemplate the beauty of the landscapes and befriends a cat. Both will drive overall experience love and renunciation.
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