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Une partie de campagne. Guy de Maupassant

Une partie de campagne. Guy de Maupassant

231 руб Заказать
Parisians are discovering the pleasures of water. In the nineteenth century, the Seine and its banks become quiet place of country walks and ginguettes intoxicating. And indulge in sheer pleasure of it . In the five stories in this collection, Maupassant crunches with humor through a middle class, enjoying water games, transgressing social norms. The edition will be prescribed in 2nd class, for the study of literary and artistic movement of the nineteenth century naturalism. The volume includes the following stories: "On the water," "Fly," "A Day in the Country," "The Rock murre" and "La Femme de Paul". Students will continue reading and discover new de Maupassant, at home, the Etonnantissime Shells of Mr. A booklet of 8 pages color photos serve as a support to the teaching of art history: the representation of a leisure society emerging from the Impressionists, the film adaptation of A Day in the Country by Jean Renoir in 1946 (a classic film available for sale and on which teachers can also be supported).
Из серии: GF Etonnants classiques
2012. Chabre, Nais Micoulin, Zola: two new consecrated to the same theme.
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