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Pierre et Jean. Guy de Maupassant

Pierre et Jean. Guy de Maupassant

290 руб Заказать
The youngest, John, is blond and wise Peter, the eldest, and black won. A retired couple living in Paris at Le Havre, with his two son. The sky darkens. Their peaceful life is flowing, adorned with fishing parties at sea or on the beach when a grain explodes. In dying, an old family friend leaves his fortune to Jean. Winds are unleashed, chasing happiness. He dives into the past of her mother, looking for the secret poison. Why only to John? Peter thinks night and day.
Из серии: Classiques de Poche
2007. The intense emotion, history and cruel real, smells of the sea, the famous light from the mouth of the Seine make this novel a masterpiece of Maupassant.
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