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Au bonheur des dames. Emile Zola

Au bonheur des dames. Emile Zola

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Its Parisian department store, Au Bonheur des Dames is a paradise for the senses. Octave Mouret panic women desire. Everything a woman could buy in 1883, Octave Mouret sells it, with revolutionary techniques. Tissues pile up, dazzling, delicate, fault or silk. But this stuff is a disaster for the neighborhood, small businesses die, property speculation is growing. Its success was immense. Denise fails Valognes in this furnace, destitute but tenacious. And the staff knows a life of hell. Zola plunges the reader into a walkabout erotic. Zola is the girl and her powerful boss in love with her the symbol of modernism and crises it generates.
Из серии: Classiques de Poche
1984. No one will go into a department store without feeling that Zola tells with genius: the tingling life.
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