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Maison du Juge. Une Enquete du Commissaire Maigret. Georges Simenon

Maison du Juge. Une Enquete du Commissaire Maigret. Georges Simenon

503 руб Заказать
One day, however, a customs officer that he knows his wife sends him to report the presence of a corpse in the house of their neighbor, an old retired judge. Disgraced without knowing why, Maigret was appointed in Vendee, where he is bored. Maigret discovers that with patience beyond the simple news item. Maigret arrives in a fishing village distrustful, obeying its own rules and fronting front abroad. There was one death in him which he wanted to get rid in favor of the tide. The judge does not deny. If he had never seen the victim and does not know how or why the stranger has come to be killed at home, the little man, remarkable calmness and distinction, has much more to tell .
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