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Suite Francaise. Irene Nemirovsky

Suite Francaise. Irene Nemirovsky

845 руб Заказать
Happily, Irene Nemirovsky tracking the countless small acts of cowardice and the fragile spirit of solidarity of a population in disarray. Written in the heat of History, French Suite portrays almost direct the flight of June 1940, which stirred in a tragic mess of French families of all kinds, the most exclusive to the most modest. Casseroles dropped by their lovers, big bourgeois disgusted by the mob, wounded abandoned farms clog the roads of France bombed at random . Gradually the enemy took possession of a country frightened and inert. Exacerbated by the presence of the occupier, social tensions and frustrations of the people wake up . Like many others, the village of Bussy is then forced to welcome the German troops. Prix
2006. Roman disturbing, intimate, implacable, revealing with extraordinary clarity the soul of every French during the Occupation, enriched with notes and correspondence of Irene Nemirovsky, Suite French resurrects a brilliant and intuitive pen a piece of raw our memory.
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