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Lettres de Mon Moulin. Alphonse Daudet

Lettres de Mon Moulin. Alphonse Daudet

295 руб Заказать
Letters from my mill is part of our national folklore as well as the Pagnol trilogy or Tales of Mother Goose with the added bonus and skyline, Provence pine trees, cicadas, lavender , sheep returning in the fall of "bourgeois graze small gray hills that rosemary flavor" keeping their wool, "with a perfume of Alpe wild, a little of that keen mountain air, which is gray and dance" . The Sub-Prefect in the fields, The Curate of Cucugnan, M.The Goat Seguin: as La Fontaine, Grimm or Perrault, Daudet had the supreme gift of the storyteller is to please everyone and never gets old.
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