Le Petit Prince (CD) (Version Integrale). Antoine de Saint-Exupery I was more isolated than a shipwrecked sailor on a raft in the middle of the ocean. "The first night I went to sleep on the sand, a thousand miles from any human habitation. She said: Please . So you can imagine my amazement, at sunrise when a
5 Contes pour Noel (CD). Barry Robert Jacobi told by Jean-Franсois Perrier. The Christmas Tree Robert Barry Mr. Jacobi is too big. The Christmas tree of Mr. It is therefore shorter. It is so large, its branches are so thick that it does not in the room. To the animals of the
Le Petit Nicolas (CD). Rene Goscinny However, Geoffroy, Agnan, Eudes, Rufus, Clotaire, Maixent, Alceste, Joachim . The mistress is concerned, the photographer wipes his forehead, Bouillon turns red, moms look bad, as the inspector, he left as quickly as it came. and Little Nicolas