Сказка-былина про Илью Муромца Комплектация: CD-диск, упакованный в jewel-case. Жанр: "Сказка-былина". Издатель: ООО "1С-Паблишинг". Правообладатель: ООО "Агентство".
Backpack Gold 2 (CD). Diane Pinkley Backpack Gold is packed with child-friendly topics, catchy songs and chants, stickers, games, stories, hands-on projects, extensive reading and writing materials and TPR activities. Reach into Backpack Gold for a richly illustrated, seven-level
Ricky the Robot 2 (CD). Naomi Simmons Through stories and games with attractive illustrations and a variety of digital materials, Ricky makes English come to life. Fun classes, happy teachers! What? A robot in the classroom?! Yes – it’s Ricky, a loveable robot who makes English
Backpack Gold Starter (CD). Diane Pinkley Backpack Gold is packed with child-friendly topics, catchy songs and chants, stickers, games, stories, hands-on projects, extensive reading and writing materials and TPR activities. Reach into Backpack Gold for a richly illustrated, seven-level
Side by Side 4. Activity Workbook (2CD). Bill Bliss The Side by Side Activity Workbooks offer a variety of exercises for reinforcement, fully coordinated with the student texts. Side by Side, Third Edition, is the new and improved version of this dynamic, all skills program that integrates
Phonics Fun 3 (CD). Jean Bunton Each unit presents six high-frequency words to illustrate the relationship between letters and sounds. Phonics Fun is a 6-level series specially written for primary students. 2004. Each book is accompanied by a free worksheet booklet with a
Le Petit Prince (CD) (Version Integrale). Antoine de Saint-Exupery I was more isolated than a shipwrecked sailor on a raft in the middle of the ocean. "The first night I went to sleep on the sand, a thousand miles from any human habitation. She said: Please . So you can imagine my amazement, at sunrise when a
5 Contes pour Noel (CD). Barry Robert Jacobi told by Jean-Franсois Perrier. The Christmas Tree Robert Barry Mr. Jacobi is too big. The Christmas tree of Mr. It is therefore shorter. It is so large, its branches are so thick that it does not in the room. To the animals of the
Le Petit Nicolas (CD). Rene Goscinny However, Geoffroy, Agnan, Eudes, Rufus, Clotaire, Maixent, Alceste, Joachim . The mistress is concerned, the photographer wipes his forehead, Bouillon turns red, moms look bad, as the inspector, he left as quickly as it came. and Little Nicolas
Yazoo Global. Start (2CD). Danae Kozanoglou Yazoo is an exciting five-level course for young learners. Whoohoo! It’s Yazoo. Bring smiles to the classroom with a variety of activities, songs, and games whilelearning English. Children will meet the loveable Yazooanimals and share their
Welcome starter B (+ CD). Virginia Evans Welcome Starter a (6-7 лет) направлен на обучение аудированию и говорению. Двухуровневый курс английского языка для детей младшего школьного
Happy Trails 2 (2CD). Jennifer Heath The book follows the adventures of Ty a panda, Leo a leopard and Mia a meerkat as they explore the world and send video updates to their friend Trek
2010. Happy Trails is a brand-new, two-level primary course which contains National Geographic
Happy Trails 2 (CD). Jennifer Heath The book follows the adventures of Ty a panda, Leo a leopard and Mia a meerkat as they explore the world and send video updates to their friend Trek. Happy Trails is a brand-new, two-level primary course which contains National Geographic
Incredible English. Starter (CD). Sarah Phillips The course supports an aural-oral introduction to English, for children who are not yet ready to start reading and writing in English. This great new introduction to the 6-level Incredible English series is a completely wordless course book. Key
New Way Ahead 6 (CD). Mary Bowen, Printha Ellis Содержит аудиотексты всех книг для чтения плюс некоторые тексты из учебника. Аудио CD к книгам для чтения - Story Audio CD. Из серии: Way ahead.
Grimms Maerchen. vollstaendige Ausgabe (4 CD). Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm Immer noch leiden wir mit Aschenputtel mit, lachen uber den Froschkonig oder freuen uns uber die Liebe von Jorinde und Joringel. Auch nach 200 Jahren erfreuen sich die Marchen der Bruder Grimm grosser Beliebtheit. In dieser hochwertigen Sammlung
Il gioco piu bello del mondo (+ CD). Guastalla Carlo, Simone Iovino Ogni racconto e integrato da test di comprensione, esercizi, attivita didattiche. La collana Italiano Facile per ragazzi, indirizzata alla fascia d’eta 11-14 anni, propone una serie di racconti originali e motivanti che permettono ai ragazzi non
Маленькие сказки (CD). Редьярд Джозеф Киплинг Диск содержит текст книги (без упражнений), начитанный профессиональным диктором - носителем английского языка в учебном темпе (с ясным
English plus 4 - Audio CD. James Styring, Diana Pye, Nicholas Tims, Ben Wetz The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. One lesson-per-page structure means teachers can pick up
Английский на школьной сцене (CD) Адаптация произведений и подготовка сценариев Ю. Компакт диск выпущен к книге "Английский на школьной сцене". Голицынского. Б. 2011.
Fables (MP3). Т. Риф Оригинальные английские тексты снабжены методически продуманными тренировочными упражнениями и разнообразными заданиями. Эта книга
Kinderlieder (+ CD). Norbert Rothhaas Jedes Lied ist mit Noten und Text abgebildet und wird von einem schonen Ausmalbild illustriert. Dieses Heft mit Audio-CD enthalt 14 bekannte und beliebte deutsche Kinderlieder. 2008. Auf der Audio-CD befinden sich neben den gesungenen Liedern die