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English plus 4 - Audio CD. James Styring, Diana Pye, Nicholas Tims, Ben Wetz

English plus 4 - Audio CD. James Styring, Diana Pye, Nicholas Tims, Ben Wetz

640 руб Заказать
The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. One lesson-per-page structure means teachers can pick up and teach the course ‘I can’ statements, learning objectives, and presentation-practice-production methodology ensures all students achieve a productive outcome, regardless of their ability Step-by-step writing lessons and step-by-step speaking practice to build students’ confidence Options provides four optional extra lessons of CLIL, Culture, Vocabulary, or listening and speaking practice for each unit, linked to topics and language in the main units Graded grammar and vocabulary photocopiables in the Teacher’s Book offer the opportunity to supplement or extend lessons Finished? Activities ensure fast finishers are kept busy throughout the lesson. English Plus develops students’ communication skills through a structured and methodical approach, helping students to achieve their individual learning outcomes in every lesson.
Из серии: English Plus
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