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Got It! Level 3 Class Audio CDs. A Four-level American English Course for Teenage Learners (+ CD)

Got It! Level 3 Class Audio CDs. A Four-level American English Course for Teenage Learners (+ CD)

427 руб Заказать
How does it achieve this? By presenting grammar through dialogues or texts and following up with more detailed analysis, students are able to check their understanding of meaning and context. Got it! is a course which is comprehensive and innovative in its range of resources, but also offers support and flexibility for the teacher. This allows them to discover the language intuitively for themselves and this sense of achievement helps to motivate them. They are encouraged to try out new structures and are given opportunities to explore the meaning and usage of new language before it is presented and practised more formally. Targeted skills lessons develop this and build their competence further. With a strong emphasis on dialogue work and personalization, students are able to understand how the language can work for them. Whether you prefer using print or digital, or a combination of the two, all the resources are at your fingertips - giving you maximum support and flexibility. The outstanding range of components means that every lesson can be varied and exciting. In addition, the broad range of issues covered develops their understanding of values. Maintaining motivation is always a challenge with teenagers, so the topics for each unit have been carefully chosen to help them become culturally aware.
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