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Incredible English. Starter (CD). Sarah Phillips

Incredible English. Starter (CD). Sarah Phillips

213 руб Заказать
The course supports an aural-oral introduction to English, for children who are not yet ready to start reading and writing in English. This great new introduction to the 6-level Incredible English series is a completely wordless course book. Key Features: • 60 hours of material; 10 lessons in six units with topics familiar to children of this age. With 60 hours of material, Incredible English Starter aims to bridge the gap between pre-school and primary school and develops their understanding of the world and social skills along with their English language learning. • Well-loved Incredible English characters feature in lively stories designed to engage the children and encourage a response, building confidence with the language. • Resources perfectly suited to young learners: an easy-to-manage combined Class Book and Activity Book and re-useable stickers • Vocabulary and structures are presented and practised using catchy songs and chants.
Из серии: Incredible English
2012. • Variety of activities to suit different learning styles ? action games, observation games, sequencing, self-assessment • The CLIL approach helps learners explore some of their first experiences of English through other subjects - Art, Biology and Maths • Assessment is supported in the test section and with photocopiable record cards.
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