Kurzgeschichten Due to the simplicity of the stories presented, this title can be used with students from their second year of study of German. Fifteen short stories selected to offer a comprehensive overview of German 20th-century, short-story literature. ) and
Die geteilte Welt. Achim Seiffarth Authors included are: Louise Aston, Anna Seghers, Christa Wolf, Alice Schwarzer, Bachofen, Grillparzer, Wedekind, Brecht and Thomas Mann. "Die geteilte Welt" is a fascinating collection of texts and documents introducing the books, personalities
De L&U B2 Der Sandmann (+Cd). E. T. A. Hoffmann Als Nathanael sich in die bildschone Olimpia verliebt, scheint alles vergessen, bis. Der Student Nathanael ist auBer sich, denn er glaubt dem Mann wieder begegnet zu sein, der den Tod seines Vaters verschuldet hatte. Der Text dieser vereinfachten
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart B1 (+Cd). Sabine Werner Die teils dramatischen, teils komischen Episoden aus dem Leben Mozarts garantieren eine fesselnde und anregende Lekt
Из серии: Lesen Und Uben
2007. Das Leben von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, einem der groBten Musiker und Komponisten aller
Veronikas Geheimnis B1 (+Cd). Friedhelm Strack Erfolgreich im Beruf, aber einsam im Privatleben. Veronika ist eine junge, tuchtige Managerin. Aber Veronika lauft vor Max weg. Was den Kunstler Max nicht davon abhalt, sich in sie zu verlieben. Audio-CD mit dramatisierter Textaufnahme. Wovor
Parzival B1 (+Cd). von Eschenbach Wolfram Parzivals Leben soll anders aussehen. Sein Vater war ein Ritter, und ist im Kampf gefallen. Aber eines Tages trifft der Junge Ritter von Konig Artus’ Tafelrunde. Er wachst bei seiner Mutter auf, im Wald, wo er nichts von der Welt erfahrt. “
Die Schwarze Spinne B1 (+Cd). Jeremias Gotthelf Die Bewohner sind frohlich und ausgelassen, aber wissen nicht, dass in Kurze etwas Furchterliches passieren wird. Eine Taufe, ein Festtag in einem kleinen Dorf in der Schweiz. Jahrhundert, nacherzahlt und mit Ubungen versehen zur Vertiefung von
Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts B1(+Cd). Joseph von Eichendorff He sets off, travelling around, playing his violin and singing. The story begins wiht a father sending his so-called good-for-nothing son out into the world to make his own living. Finding work in a castle he falls in love, has his heart broken
Wilhelm Tell A2 (+Cd) From the famous episode of the apple to the revolution by the Swiss population for freedom. The story of the famous Swiss hero William Tell, narrated from his son Walter’s point of view. Из серии: Lesen Und Uben
Peter Schlemihls wundersame Geschichte A2 (+Cd). von Chamisso Adelbert So what can he do? Out of desperation he decides to sell his shadow. Peter Schlemihl is penniless. Из серии: Lesen Und Uben
2004. Unfortunately this doesn’t solve his problems! On the contrary… A classic story from the Romantic Period
Ein Star im Gefahr A2 (+Cd). Dorothea Herrmann For Frauke, the Berlin Film Festival is the most important event of the year and her favourite hobby is going see the stars as they arrive. Frauke, a seventeen-year-old student from Berlin, dreams of becoming a journalist. This year Frauke wants
Der Stein des Nordens A2 (+Cd). Gellenbeck Christian One day, while building an igloo in the garden, he suddenly find a warm, red stone…
Из серии: Lesen Und Uben
2011. Fourteen-year-old Thomas has been living for the last six months with his family in Nunavut, an Inuit-populated territory in
Frankenstein A1(+Cd). Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley But the results are not what he expects and his rejection of his monstrous creation causes dire consequences for himself and all the people he cares about. A fascination with science and the aspiration to understand the mysteries of creation lead
Der Gestiefelte Kater/Das Tapfere Schneiderlein A2 (+Cd). Gebruder Grimm A brave tailor kills seven flies in one go and, convinced of his own strength, starts performing miracles. An inheritance for three sons: a mill, a donkey and – for the youngest son – a cat! At first, the youngest son is disappointed with his
De L&U A1 Der Fluch Der Mumie (+CD). Regina Bottcher, S. Lang, K. Salvador Jan und sein Freund Stefan erleben ein spannendes Abenteuer mit Iauter ungewohnlichen Dingen. Das Agyptische Museum in Berlin, eine Mumie, ein Fluch. Obungen zum Leseverstandnis und Wortschatz, zur Grammatik und Phonetik helfen, das Ratsel des
Arbeitsgrammatik. Medaglia Cinzia, Achim Seiffarth Schritt fur Schritt werden in 46 Einheiten alle wichtigen Themen der deutschen Basisgrammatik behandelt. Einfach und leicht verstandlich, erleichtert Arbeitsgrammatik mit vielseitigen Ubungen Anfangern den Einstieg, dient Fortgeschrittenen als
Dalf C1/C2,250 Activites (+Cd). Vanessa Bourbon Chaque ouvrage propose un entrainement par unite qui porte sur les 4 competences et habiletes. Dans la tradition de la collection "Nouvel entrainez-vous", la collection "NOUVEAU DELF" suit la reorganisation des contenus du DELF en fonction du Cadre
Dalf C1/C2,250 Activites. Veronique Bourbon Les activités proposées dans le DALF C1/C2, fournissent les outils necessaires à la. Le DALF C1/C2, 250 activités, pratique et didactique, se prête à une utilisation en autonomie ou en classe.
Cylet 5 Starters Test. ESOL Cambridge They provide the first step towards the Cambridge ESOL main suite exams (including KET, PET, and FCE). These practice tests from Cambridge ESOL are designed to evaluate the English level of primary learners aged 7-12. There are 3 sets of tests
Cylet 5 Movers Test They provide the first step towards the Cambridge ESOL main suite exams (including KET, PET, and FCE). These practice tests from Cambridge ESOL are designed to evaluate the English level of primary learners aged 7-12. There are 3 sets of tests
Cylet 5 Flyers Test. ESOL Cambridge They provide the first step towards the Cambridge ESOL main suite exams (including KET, PET, and FCE). These practice tests from Cambridge ESOL are designed to evaluate the English level of primary learners aged 7-12. There are 3 sets of tests
Cylet 4 Starters Test. ESOL Cambridge They provide the first step towards the Cambridge ESOL main suite exams (e. These practice tests from Cambridge ESOL are designed to evaluate the English level of primary learners aged 7-12. KET, PET, and FCE). g. Из серии: Starters
Cylet 4 Movers Test They provide the first step towards the Cambridge ESOL main suite exams (e. These practice tests from Cambridge ESOL are designed to evaluate the English level of primary learners aged 7-12. KET, PET, and FCE). g. There are 3 sets of tests for
Cylet 4 Flyers Test. ESOL Cambridge They provide the first step towards the Cambridge ESOL main suite exams (e. These practice tests from Cambridge ESOL are designed to evaluate the English level of primary learners aged 7-12. KET, PET, and FCE). g. There are 3 sets of tests for
Cylet 3 Starters Test. ESOL Cambridge They provide the first step towards the Cambridge ESOL main suite exams (e. These practice tests from Cambridge ESOL are designed to evaluate the English level of primary learners aged 7-12. KET, PET, and FCE). g. There are 3 sets of tests for
Cylet 3 Movers Test. ESOL Cambridge They provide the first step towards the Cambridge ESOL main suite exams (e. These practice tests from Cambridge ESOL are designed to evaluate the English level of primary learners aged 7-12. KET, PET, and FCE). g. There are 3 sets of tests for
Cylet 3 Flyers Test. ESOL Cambridge "Cambridge Young Learners English Tests" are designed to evaluate the English level of primary learners aged 7 to 12 - and make testing fun. Cambridge University Press is the only official publisher of Young Learners past papers from Cambridge ESOL
Cylet 2 Starters Test. ESOL Cambridge They provide the first step towards the Cambridge ESOL main suite exams (e. These practice tests from Cambridge ESOL are designed to evaluate the English level of primary learners aged 7-12. KET, PET and FCE). g. There are 3 sets of tests for
Cylet 2 Movers Test They provide the first step towards the Cambridge ESOL main suite exams (e. These practice tests from Cambridge ESOL are designed to evaluate the English level of primary learners aged 7-12. KET, PET and FCE). g. There are 3 sets of tests for
Cylet 2 Flyers Test. ESOL Cambridge They provide the first step towards the Cambridge ESOL main suite exams (e. These practice tests from Cambridge ESOL are designed to evaluate the English level of primary learners aged 7-12. KET, PET and FCE). g. There are 3 sets of tests for
Cylet 1 Starters Test. ESOL Cambridge Updated to reflect the 2007 changes, they provide the first step towards the Cambridge ESOL main suite exams (e. These practice tests from Cambridge ESOL are designed to evaluate the English level of primary learners aged 7-12. KET, PET and FCE).
Cylet 1 Movers Test "Cambridge University Press" is the only official publisher of Young Learners past papers from Cambridge ESOL - an essential part of any preparation course for the Young Learners English Tests. Examination Papers from University of Cambridge ESOL
Cylet 1 Movers Answer Book "Cambridge University Press" is the only official publisher of Young Learners past papers from Cambridge ESOL - an essential part of any preparation course for the Young Learners English Tests. Examination Papers from University of Cambridge ESOL
Cylet 1 Flyers Test. ESOL Cambridge Updated to reflect the 2007 changes, they provide the first step towards the Cambridge ESOL main suite exams (e. These practice tests from Cambridge ESOL are designed to evaluate the English level of primary learners aged 7-12. KET, PET and FCE).
Cutting Edge New Upper-Intermediate Work Book With Keys. Jane Carr New Cutting Edge Upper Intermediate Workbook consolidates and. New Cutting Edge combines the comprehensive syllabus and reliable teaching resources that have made the course so popular with brand-new features, making it even fresher and easier to
New Cutting Edge Pre-Intermediate Workbook With Keys. Sarah Cunningham, Peter Moor - Grammar exercises give students useful practice and build confidence - Vocabulary boosters and Wordspots build on the lexical areas. New Cutting Edge Pre-Intermediate Workbook consolidates and extends the language taught in the Students’ Book.
Cutting Edge New Elementary Class Compact Disk Book. Sarah Cunningham, Peter Moor - New activities and tasks present, practice and extend the language in meaningful contexts. - New reading and listening texts bring the real world to the classroom. - New Study! Practise! Remember! sections combine study skills with consolidation
Cutting Edge Elementary Work Book With Keys. Sarah Cunningham, Peter Moor It combines rich international content, comprehensive grammar, and real-life functional language within a clear, easy-to-teach structure. "Cutting Edge" is a multi-level general English course for adults and young adults. "Cutting Edge. Из
Cutting Edge Elementary Student`S Book. Sarah Cunningham, Peter Moor It combines rich international content, comprehensive grammare, and real-life functional language within a clear, easy-to-teach structure. Cutting Edge is a multi-level general English course for adults and young adults. Из серии: Cutting
Cutting Edge Advanced Work Book With Keys. Sarah Cunningham, Peter Moor Combining stimulating content with comprehensive grammar, vocabulary and skills work, Cutting Edge Advanced is for students at FCE level and beyond who want to enrich. Cutting Edge is a multi-level general English course for adults and young
Cambridge Teacher Training And Development Teach English Tw. Adrian Doff It can be used in a variety of situations: in-service courses for teachers working at the secondary school level or in language. Teach English is a teacher training course that develops practical skills in the teaching of English as a second
English for the Teacher: A Language Development Course. Mary Spratt As well as providing language practice for the four skills, it also invites teachers to comment on the learning value of what they are doing and thus discuss and reflect on different ways of teaching and learning. English for the Teacher is a
Cs 4 Watch Ythesea I lived by the sea in New Zealand. A series of ELT readers for young learners of English. It was my first watch. My mother gave me a beautiful gold watch. But one day I swam in the sea. 2005.