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Classroom Observation Tasks: A Resource Book for Language Teachers and Trainers. Ruth Wajnryb

Classroom Observation Tasks: A Resource Book for Language Teachers and Trainers. Ruth Wajnryb

1481 руб Заказать
It does this by providing a range of tasks which guide the user through the process of observing, analysing and reflecting, and which develop the skills of observation. Classroom Observation Tasks shows how to use observation to learn about language teaching. This book is suitable for teachers, trainee teachers, teacher trainers and others involved in school-based teacher support, teacher development and trainer training. It contains a bank of 35 structured tasks which are grouped into seven areas of focus: the learner, the language, the learning process, the lesson, teaching skills and strategies, classroom management, and materials and resources.
Из серии: Cambridge Teacher Training & Development
1993. It has a comprehensive introduction to the tasks and a rationale covering the theoretical issues involved and places the responsibility for professional growth in the hands of the teacher.
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