Grammar Builder 2 (Pre-Intermediate ) Grammar Builder takes a simple but effective three-step approach (error identification, correction and practice) to help learners master English grammar. These books are especially useful for students taking written exams and anyone who needs to
Grammar 4. Pre-Intermediate. Jennifer Seidl 1994. A series of four books progressing from beginner to intermediate level, for students starting grammar at or around the age of nine.
Grammar 3 Ans.B(+Cd). Jennifer Seidl 2005. This title offers a gentle introduction to grammar for children aged nine to twelve, which presents grammar in familiar everyday situations.
Grammar 2 Ans.B(+Cd). Jennifer Seidl 2005. A gentle introduction to grammar for children, which presents grammar in familiar everyday situations.
Grammar 1 Ans.B(+Cd). Jennifer Seidl 2005. A gentle introduction to grammar for children, which presents grammar in familiar everyday situations.
Grammaire Progressive Du Francais. Intermediaire Corriges. Odile Thievenaz Ce livret separe propose la correction de tous les exercices proposes dans la Grammaire progressive du francais niveau intermediaire (nouvelle edition) ainsi que celle des bilans. Tous les corriges des exercices de la Grammaire progressive du
Grammaire Progressive du francais. Debutant - Corriges. Maia Gregoire Ce livret separe propose la correction de tous les exercices proposes dans la Grammaire progressive du francais niveau debutant ainsi que celle des bilans. Niveau debutant - corriges Tous les corriges des exercices de la Grammaire progressive du
Ship between the worlds Practice Book. Julia Golding In hot pursuit of the Golden Needle is the Scythe, crewed by pirates who live only to steal the golden thread anchoring the worlds. The Golden Needle is crewed by a motley assortment of fiendish pirates with a desire to atone for past misdeeds.
Gold Ing J,Secret Of The Sirens Practice Book. Julia Golding It`s the heart of the secret Society for the Protection of Mythical Creatures, a group of people sworn to ensure that mythical beasts are kept safe. The seaside town is full of people who have strange links to creatures. 2006. The Sirens, who for
Gold Ing J, Mines Of The Min Otaur Practice Book. Julia Golding She turns to the Society for the Protection of Mythical Beasts, the group meant to protect her. The evil shapeshifter Kullervo, unknown to Connie, has started infiltrating her dreams. Connie hides in an old mine - and finds the once-proud
Gold Ing J,Gorgon`S Gaze Practice Book. Julia Golding Unknown to everyone but the members of the top secret Society for the Protection of Mythical Creatures, the wood is the home of the last gorgon, a creature so deadly she can kill with a look. Magical Mallins Wood is under threat from developers.
Going Intermediate National Work Book. Michael Duckworth, Keith Harding It replaces Five Star English and the syllabus is topic-based. This is an upper-intermediate English language course aimed at people training for or already employed in the tourism industry. 1998. Each of the 12 units offers a range of reading
Going For CLIL with Audio CD. G. Clemen Going for CLIL can be used in the language classroom as a supplement to a coursebook of the same level, or at suitable moments in the academic subject classroom. Going for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) is designed for young
Goat And Donkey In Strawerry Sunglas. Practice Book. Simon Puttock What ever will Donkey make of all the surprises that Goat has in his basket when he trots triumphantly back home?
2007. When Goat offers to do the grocery shopping, Donkey knows that things might just get a little muddled! Instead of apples,
Go! 2 Teacher'S Book Elsworth. Patricia Mugglestone * Creative and varied: imaginative Learning Workshop sections encourage students to be active language learners through vocabulary exercises, rhythm raps, songs and games. * Exciting and motivating: students share in the adventures of the Sea Watch
Go! 1 Grammar Practice Emslie. Val Emslie The syllabus is graded and provides balanced coverage of skills, and the grammar sections use a combination of inductive (Think Boxes) and deductive (Look Boxes) learning. This course has an environmental and geographical theme and is designed for
Le Chat Botte. Charles Perrault Эти книги для чтения дополнены разнообразными заданиями для выполнения до, во время и после чтения. Серия Graine de lecture предлагает
Get Go ! 3 Work Book. Cathy Lawday • It has a carefully graded, structural syllabus which provides steady progression in all four skills. A structural syllabus combined with child-centred activities. • The emphasis on grammar and vocabulary acquisition is combined with many.
Get Ready 2 Numers Book. Felicity Hopkins • It gives pupils that basic knowledge and feeling for English which is the foundation of successful learning. A two-level course for very young children with optional handwriting and number work. • It teaches pupils to say and understand a