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Going For CLIL with Audio CD. G. Clemen

Going For CLIL with Audio CD. G. Clemen

597 руб Заказать
Going for CLIL can be used in the language classroom as a supplement to a coursebook of the same level, or at suitable moments in the academic subject classroom. Going for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) is designed for young teenagers at elementary level (CEFR A1-A2). Each section presents a wide choice of texts taken from three academic subjects: • Geography • History • Science Topics have been selected according to the interests of students at this age, and to the syllabus of the academic subjects for the corresponding years. Offering a selection of cross-curricular texts and activities, Going for CLIL is divided into three graded sections (A1, A1-A2, A2). Consequently, they will not only gain knowledge of specific lexis, but they will also acquire confidence and key study-skills to approach future academic studies in English. Students are therefore motivated by the possibility of using their English outside of the language classroom, in other disciplinary contexts. • Activities including extensive comprehension work to aid understanding, and to explore the topic in more detail • Numerous Internet Projects to encourage students to explore the topics further • Glossary section to explain the meaning of difficult words • Audio CD with the recording of the texts and some additional listening activities • Downloadable answer key from the Black Cat website
2011. Features: • 18 full-colour units, each dealing with one topic of the content subjects: Geography, History, Science • Clear and simple language, supported by illustrations, photographs, graphs etc.
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