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Telephoning in english 3 (CD)

Telephoning in english 3 (CD)

457 руб Заказать
), each programmed to use a single strategy (or type of behavior). Stochastic replicator dynamics pertains to a population of players (individuals, businesses, animals, bacteria, etc. This work examines the stochastic replicator dynamics driven by white Gaussian noise (WGN) in the Stratonovich form. The dynamics aspect is related to the change in proportions of players who are applying the given strategies. It is demonstrated that the asymptotic behavior of the system with two pure strategies depends only on the pay-off matrix and does not depend on the intensity of the random perturbations. This approach provides more natural results concerning stochastic stability, instability and extinction of pure strategies of stochastic replicator dynamics models. Further, the extinction of the strictly dominated pure strategies is proven. Sufficient conditions for asymptotic stability, as well as for strong instability, of the stochastic replicator dynamics with n pure strategies are derived.
Из серии: Telephoning in English. It is shown in particular that this extinction takes place independently of the intensity of the WGN.
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