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Homer and Langley. Эдгар Лоуренс Доктороу

Homer and Langley. Эдгар Лоуренс Доктороу

481 руб Заказать
But before he is out of his teens Homer begins to lose his sight, Langley returns from the war with his lungs seared by gas, and when both of their parents die, they seem perilously ill-equipped to deal with the new era. Brilliant brothers Langley and Homer Collyer are born into bourgeois New York comfort, their home a mansion on upper Fifth Avenue, their future rosy. But they are mocked and spied on, and despite wanting nothing more than to shut out the world, the epic events of the century flow through their housebound lives as they struggle to survive and create meaning for themselves. As romantic Homer and eccentric Langley construct a life on the fringes of society, they hold fast to their principle of self-reliance.
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