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Language in Use Intermediate Tests. Patricia Aspinall, George Bethell

Language in Use Intermediate Tests. Patricia Aspinall, George Bethell

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They are to be used at regular intervals in the teaching programme, and can easily be managed in class time. A new addition to the Language in Use series for 1998 will be photocopiable progress tests for the Intermediate level. The features which distinguish Language in Use include: - flexibility The innovative Teachers Book material allows teachers to tailor the material. There are four progress tests and a summary test which cover grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, reading, writing, listening and speaking. - clarity The clear organisation of the material makes the course attractive and easy to use. - dual syllabus Alternating units on grammar and vocabulary. - self-study A workbook and self study cassette contain genuine self-study work. - creativity Involving and stimulating tasks encourage personal input from learners.
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