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In the Balance: An Alternate History of the Second World War. Гарри Тертлдав

In the Balance: An Alternate History of the Second World War. Гарри Тертлдав

260 руб Заказать
And then, suddenly, the real enemy came. From Pearl Harbor to panzers rolling through Paris to the Siege of Leningrad and the Battle of Midway, war seethed across the planet as the flames of destruction rose higher and hotter. And never before had men been more divided. The invaders seemed unstoppable, their technology far beyond human reach. But the alternative was even worse. For Jew to unite with Nazi, American with Japanese, and Russian with German was unthinkable. . As the fate of the world hung in the balance, slowly, painfully, humankind took up the shocking challenge .
1994. .
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