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Architecture of McKim, Mead & White in Photographs, Plans and Elevations / Архитектура МакКим Мид и Уайта на фотографиях, планах и профилях. McKim, Mead & White

Architecture of McKim, Mead & White in Photographs, Plans and Elevations / Архитектура МакКим Мид и Уайта на фотографиях, планах и профилях. McKim, Mead & White

1577 руб Заказать
New introduction. One of the most important documents in American architecture, depicting 130 structures in New York and other American cities, designed by celebrated firm. 435 photographs, over 250 line illustrations. Depicted are over 130 structures — the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Pierpont Morgan Library, Tiffany & Company, and the original Penn Station, among others, in New York, as well as many important landmarks in other cities.
Из серии: Dover Books on Architecture
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