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Listen & Learn Italian (2CD)

Listen & Learn Italian (2CD)

601 руб Заказать
Two CDs with 90 minutes of material feature phrases and sentences spoken first in English and then in Italian, followed by a pause for repetition. This language-learning system offers the chance to quickly and efficiently develop the practical Italian needed for travel. Designed for people with limited study time, this language-learning system offers the chance to quickly and efficiently develop the practical Italian needed for travel. The accompanying 80-page manual contains each word and phrase on the CDs. The accompanying 80-page manual contains each word and phrase on the CDs. Two CDs with 90 minutes of material feature phrases and sentences spoken first in English and then in Italian, followed by a pause for repetition. Its teacher-tested and -approved methods yield remarkable results, even for those who have never studied a foreign language. Usable in any CD player, this is the perfect language course for study at home, in the car, and anywhere else.
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