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Myth. Robert A. Segal

Myth. Robert A. Segal

337 руб Заказать
The fate of the preternaturally beautiful Adonis is one of the main fables upon which Segal focuses, in an attempt to analyse the various different theories of myth. This book is not about myths, but about approaches to myth, from all of the major disciplines, including science, religion, philosophy, literature, and psychology. A uniform set of questions is provided, to elucidate both the strengths and the weaknesses of the conjectures. Where the theory does not work, he substitutes another myth, showing that, for all their claims to all-inclusiveness, certain theories, in fact, only apply to specific kinds of myths. Jung, and Sigmund Freud. A survey of the past 300 years of theorizing on myth, this book takes into account the work of such prominent thinkers as Albert Camus, Claude Levi-Strauss, Roland Barthes, C.G.
Из серии: Very Short Introductions (OUP General)
2004. Finally, Segal considers the future study of myth, and the possible function of myth in the world as the adult equivalent of play.
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