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Professional English In Use Medicine. Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard

Professional English In Use Medicine. Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard

1422 руб Заказать
Topics include diseases and symptoms, investigations, treatment, examining, and prevention. "Professional English in Use Medicine" contains 60 units covering a wide variety of medical vocabulary. Primarily designed as a self-study reference and practice book, it can also be used for classroom work and one-to-one lessons and is suitable for intermediate and upper-intermediate students. The book also introduces general medical vocabulary related to parts and functions of the body, medical and para-medical personnel, education and training, research, and presentations. "Professional English in Use Medicine" is a must for medical practitioners who need to use English at work or for study, either in their own country or abroad. "Professional English in Use Medicine" has been carefully researched using the Institute for Applied Language Studies medical corpus, as well as authentic texts, documents and cases.
Из серии: Vocabulary in Practice
2007. Формат: 19,5 см х 26 см.
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