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Round Dance and Other Plays. Артур Шницлер

Round Dance and Other Plays. Артур Шницлер

385 руб Заказать
Round Dance, written in the late 1890s, exposes sexual life in Vienna with such witty frankness that it could not be staged until after the First World War, when it provoked a riot in the theatre and a prosecution for indecency. The playwright Arthur Schnitzler is best known as the chronicler of fin de siecle Viennese decadence. Acquainted with Freud and his circle, Schnitzler probes beneath the surface of his characters to uncover emotions they barely understand. The other plays in this collection explore love, sexuality, and death in various guises, always with a sharp, non-judgemental awareness of the complexity and mystery of the psyche.
Из серии: Oxford World`s Classics
2008. And in the tragicomedyProfessor Bernhardi, Schnitzler addresses the growing anti-Semitism of the period.
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