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The Monk. Мэтью Грегори Льюис

The Monk. Мэтью Грегори Льюис

272 руб Заказать
The struggle between maintaining monastic vows and fulfilling personal ambitions leads its main character, the monk Ambrosio, to temptation and the breaking of his vows, then to sexual obsession and rape, and finally to murder in order to conceal his guilt. Set in the sinister monastery of the Capuchins in Madrid, The Monk is a violent tale of ambition, murder, and incest. It contains many typical Gothic elements - seduction in a monastery, lustful monks, evil abbesses, bandits an beautiful heroines. Inspired by German horror romanticism and he work of Ann Radcliffe, Lewis produced his masterpiece at the age of 19.
Из серии: Oxford World`s Classics
2008. But Lewis also played with convention, ranging from gruesome realism to social comedy, and even parodied the genre in which he was writing.
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