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The Stuff Of Thought. Steven Pinker

The Stuff Of Thought. Steven Pinker

762 руб Заказать
Surprising, thought-provoking and incredibly enjoyable, there is no other book like it - Steven Pinker will revolutionise the way you think about language. The Stuff of Thought is an exhilarating work of non-fiction. He shows how we use space and motion as metaphors for more abstract ideas, and uncovers the deeper structures of human thought that have been shaped by evolutionary history. He analyses what words actually mean and how we use them, and he reveals what this can tell us about ourselves. And, with this book, he also shows just how stimulating and entertaining language can be. He also explores the emotional impact of language, from names to swear words, and shows us the full power that it can have over us.
Из серии: Penguin Press Science
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