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Meanings and Metaphors: Activities to Practise Figurative Language. Gillian Lazar

Meanings and Metaphors: Activities to Practise Figurative Language. Gillian Lazar

2291 руб Заказать
Meanings and Metaphors contains a lively collection of vocabulary activities which will open up the world of figurative language to students of intermediate level and above. A lively collection of vocabulary activities which provide opportunities to use language creatively and to engage in cross-cultural comparisons. All the words and expressions included in the book have been checked against the Cambridge International Corpus to ensure that they are relevant, up-to-date and useful to the students. Each of the 34 photocopiable units has a clear step-by-step lesson plan for the busy teacher which includes a useful background information section for extra support.
Из серии: Cambridge Copy Collection
2003. This can be used to supplement most course books and is suitable for a wide range of teaching environments.
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