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Relationships (+ CD). Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, George Orwell

Relationships (+ CD). Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, George Orwell

643 руб Заказать
The aim of these volumes is to familiarise readers with the language of literature and encourage them to formulate their own response to what they read. INTERACT WITH LITERATURE offers a wide range of original literary texts from intermediate level upwards (unabridged short stories or extracts from novels, as well as complete unabridged plays) from English-speaking countries, designed to introduce students to the world of literature. This selection of extracts from important works by these major 20th-century authors, James Joyce, George Orwell and Virginia Woolf is specially designed for high-school students to supplement their literary studies – in class or as self-study. Each volume concentrates on a particular theme, genre or literary current. Book + CD
Из серии: Interact with Literature. A personal critical response is encouraged by the thematic/stylistic study approach to the activities, as well as in-depth critical commentaries on the author and his/her works and a comparative section on the literary/historical context in the British Isles and the students’ own culture.
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