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Focus Advanced English Cambridge Advanced English Grmpr New With Keys. Richard Walton

Focus Advanced English Cambridge Advanced English Grmpr New With Keys. Richard Walton

477 руб Заказать
The 14 units in the workbook correspond to each unit in the parent text, providing students with further practice in the grammar and vocabulary necessary at this level. This workbook is designed to accompany "Focus on Advanced English CAE", providing thorough grammar practice, supplementary vocabulary exercises and regular progress tests. Four progress tests in the course give students the chance to check their learning and assess their progress as well as providing useful revision of preceding units. The book can also be used as a free standing workbook for anyone preparing for the CAE. The workbooks can be used either for self access (with key) or within the classroom (without key). Study tip boxes in each unit give useful advice on how to deal with common grammatical problems.
Из серии: Focus on Advanced English Cae
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