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Little Oxford Thesaurus. Martin Nixon

Little Oxford Thesaurus. Martin Nixon

604 руб Заказать
It provides 140,000 alternative and opposite words, and gives the closest and most frequently used synonyms first, making the thesaurus quick and easy to use. This is a major new edition of the Little Oxford Thesaurus offering the most accurate and up-to-date coverage of essential vocabulary for all your writing needs. A brand-new Wordfinder centre section provides lists of extra words eg. Thousands of real examples of usage from the Oxford English Corpus show synonyms in context and help you to identify the correct sense. The Little Oxford Thesaurus is perfect for word games and for anyone who wants to increase their vocabulary or improve their writing skills. types of food, clothes, transport and more, and helps you to expand your vocabulary.
Из серии: Thesauruses
2006. Its robust and durable format make it ideal for use at home, school, and the office.
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