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Compact Oxford Thesaurus. Dictionaries Oxford

Compact Oxford Thesaurus. Dictionaries Oxford

1078 руб Заказать
The Compact Oxford Thesaurus provides you with the most useful synonym first, so that you can find the information you are looking for easily. A hardback thesaurus, ideal for everyday use at home, school, and work Contains over 300,000 syonyms and antonyms Features all the words you need for everyday writing needs, with synonyms given in order of usefulness New notes on confusable words help you avoid common pitfalls Two-colour layout and ultra-clear design help you find what you need easily Centre matter gives you advice on how to get the most out of the thesaurus, plus lists of nouns to help you expand your vocabulary and find the answers to puzzles and quizzes Providing a wealth of synonyms and antonyms for everyday use, this revised edition of the Compact Oxford Thesaurus is ideal in helping you find the right word when writing, or for other language queries. New vocabulary has been added in this revised edition, so you can be sure that your Oxford thesaurus reflects the very latest changes in the English language. It also features a two-colour layout and a very clear, open design, so that you can navigate around the thesaurus quickly. The centre section of the thesaurus provides practical help in using a thesaurus to improve your choice of words and to refine your writing style, as well as new material for word game and puzzle enthusiasts. Notes on frequently confused words such as affect and effect, or compliment and complement can be found throughout the text, helping you to avoid common pitfalls when writing. It can help to expand your vocabulary, or give you vital clues in solving language puzzles and crosswords. The Compact Oxford Thesaurus is an invaluable tool for anyone who needs to write reports or memos at work, essays at school or college, or letters or emails to friends, and is ideal for creative writing too.
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