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English Phrasal Verbs In Use Intermediate (С Ответами). Michael McCarthy, O`Dell Felicity

English Phrasal Verbs In Use Intermediate (С Ответами). Michael McCarthy, O`Dell Felicity

1085 руб Заказать
It is primarily designed as a self-study reference and practice text but it can also be used for classroom work. English Phrasal Verbs in Use Intermediate is a vocabulary book for good intermediate level learners and above. Presents and explains approximately 1,000 phrasal verbs in typical contexts using tables, charts, short texts and dialogues. English Phrasal Verbs in Use Intermediate: 70 easy-to-use two-page units: phrasal verbs are presented and explained on left-hand pages with a range of practice exercises on right-hand pages. Provides valuable information about appropriate usage. Contains a Mini dictionary with easy-to-understand definitions and cross references to units in the book. Contains a comprehensive, student-friendly answer key. Promotes good learning habits with study tips and follow-up tasks. Includes the most frequently used phrasal verbs from a corpus of written and spoken.
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