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Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus. Maurice Waite

Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus. Maurice Waite

1751 руб Заказать
This means that you only have to reach for one book when you need language help. The second edition of the Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus is the perfect language resource, combining a dictionary and thesaurus text. This is based on market research into user preferences making the dictionary accessible, clear, and easy to use. In this edition the dictionary and thesaurus texts are integrated so that the thesaurus entry for a word follows the dictionary entry directly. With 300,000 definitions, synonyms, and antonyms, this really is the ultimate tool for anyone who loves language-based quizzes and puzzles. New to this edition is a centre section for crossword enthusiasts and puzzle solvers, containing hundreds of thematic word lists. The ultimate reference tool for your shelf - but not designed to stay there!
Из серии: Dictionaries & Thesauruses Combined
2007. The Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus also features usage notes to help you deal with tricky vocabulary and improve your writing style.
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