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Focus on the Language Classroom: An Introduction to Classroom Research for Language Teachers. Richard L. Allwright, Kathleen M. Bailey

Focus on the Language Classroom: An Introduction to Classroom Research for Language Teachers. Richard L. Allwright, Kathleen M. Bailey

1233 руб Заказать
Sometimes the findings show that what happens is not what is expected when lessons are being prepared and taught. Considerable research has gone on in recent years into exactly what happens in the language classroom - what and how learners learn, what teachers actually do, and what kind of events take place. All teachers will find much that they can relate to their classrooms. Allwright and Bailey set out to define the aims, principles, and objectives of classroom research, to describe the findings and relate these to teaching practice.
Из серии: Cambridge Language Teaching Library
1991. It contains points to discuss, suggestions for further reading, and mini-projects, all of which can either be carried out by the individual reader or by teachers working in groups.
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