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Communion Town. Thompson Sam

Communion Town. Thompson Sam

549 руб Заказать
On crowded streets, in the town squares and half-empty tower blocks, the lonely and lost try to make a connection. The Man Booker longlisted Communion Town reveals the shadows and sinister inhabitants of a city that never appears the same way twice. Violence loiters in blind alleys, eager to embrace the unsuspecting and the reckless. A weary gumshoe pounds the reeking sidewalks, seeking someone he knows he will never find. This city is no ordinary place. Lovers are doomed to follow treacherous paths that were laid long before they first met. Ghosts and monsters, refugees and travellers - the voices of Communion Town clamour to tell the stories of the city, stories that must be heard to be believed. Here, the underworld has surfaced; dreams melt into reality and memories are imagined before they are lived.
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