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Public Speaking For Dummies. Malcolm Kushner

Public Speaking For Dummies. Malcolm Kushner

1018 руб Заказать
Whether someone is speaking at a large business meeting or a high school debate, acclaimed speaker Malcolm Kushner presents the crucial tips and techniques they need to succeed, from crafting a riveting three-minute address to adapting a speech for international or virtual audiences. Now revised - the plain-English guide that takes the stress out of public speaking! According to a public opinion poll, people are more afraid of public speaking than they are of dying - by a two-to-one margin! Now revised, refocused, and produced in a compact, value-priced format, this friendly guide is the key to conquering public-speaking jitters - and delivering dynamite speeches that enlighten, entertain, and persuade. He has been profiled in Time and USA Today, and interviewed on NPR and The Larry King Show. Malcolm Kushner (Santa Cruz, CA) is a professional speaker as well as a communications and humor consultant.
Из серии: For Dummies
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