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Color Management. A Comprehensiv Guide for Graphic Designers (+ CD). John T. Drew

Color Management. A Comprehensiv Guide for Graphic Designers (+ CD). John T. Drew

1405 руб Заказать
However, digital technology has often denied access to the deep colour expertise that has been developed by generations of artists and designers working with physical media. he information age has created unparalleled opportunities for graphic designers to showcase their work across a variety of media. The book explains all the technical issues that are relevant to communicating with colour, in two-dimensional and three-dimensional environments, and in still and moving images. Color Management is a unique, one-stop resource for designers and graphic artists in every field of visual communication, whether they are working in print, interactive, environmental, or web-based design. By unlocking expertise and demystifying theory, this book opens the door to new and bold uses of colour that communicate and entertain. This books arms designers with the in-depth technical information they need about colour theory, colour systems, mixing, removal, pigments, inks, papers, and printing, and explains how human beings perceive and react to colour in every aspect of their daily lives.
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