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How to Sell to an Idiot. 12 Steps to Selling Anything to Anyone. Hoover John, Bill Sparkman

How to Sell to an Idiot. 12 Steps to Selling Anything to Anyone. Hoover John, Bill Sparkman

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Its hard enough for salespeople to convince a customer to buy from them when the customer has so many options. How to Sell to an Idiot This book includes a step-by-step plan to convincing any customer to say yes. The path to selling to the clueless is a 12-stage process that builds in strength and momentum each step of the way until the customer finally gets it. But what about the customer who cant even figure out that a salesperson really is offering the best deal? Thats the toughest customer for salespeople because common sense doesnt seem to work! This book shows salespeople how to clue-in even the most clueless customer and help them make the best decision for both parties. Consistently doing what doesnt work makes an idiot out even the smartest salesperson. For salespeople who must sell to confused or clueless customers, this guide offers the key to success. Readers will learn how to use planning and preparation to make their prospecting far more effective; how to connect and communicate with prospects to gather information that makes the sale easy; how to spice up a sales pitch; how to turn clients into referrals; and much more. Hoover and Sparkman show salespeople how to avoid that fate by doing less of what doesnt work and more of what does, presenting a wealth of proven sales guidance and effective techniques. A former executive with the Disneyland Entertainment Division and the McGraw-Hill Companies, he has consulted with numerous companies, including Boeing, Delta Air Lines, Hilton Hotels Corporation, IBM, and Motorola, as well as others. John Hoover, PhD (Nashville, TN), is a popular speaker and seminar leader. He has been training, speaking, and coaching individuals and companies to success since 1987. Bill Sparkman (Palatine, IL) is a professional speaker, sales trainer, and sales coach. His nuts-and-bolts, real-world approach to learning and increasing personal performance helps others move quickly to new levels of achievement. Bill is the creator of Total Success Seminars.
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