Living simply. Choosing less in a world of more. Joanne Heim
686 руб
But while you’re used to being pulled in multiple directions, that doesn’t mean you like it. Whew! You can multitask like a pro—you prove it every day. Now Living Simply shows you how to make this ideal life your real life today! Joanne Heim’s refreshing perspective and pointed guidance address specific areas you’d like to transform, from family and friendships to meals and celebrations. You yearn for something more…not on your to-do list, but in the heart of daily living. Never have such simple changes yielded such sweeping results! Errands to run. This book responds to the longings of your heart not with pat answers, but with practical solutions. Laundry to fold. Friends to meet. Messages to check. Dinner to cook. Gas tank to fill. Calls to make. Notes to self. Lists to do. Dog to walk. Bills to pay. Schedules to keep. Appointments to make. Party to plan. Lunches to pack. 2006