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Genesis of Shannara. Elves of Cintra. Terry Brooks

Genesis of Shannara. Elves of Cintra. Terry Brooks

268 руб Заказать
Logan Tom has journeyed to desolate Seattle to protect a ragged band of street urchins and the being known as the gypsy morph, who is both mortal and magical-and destined to save mankind unless he is destroyed. Across the plague-ridden landscape of an America besieged by demon armies, two pilgrims have been summoned to serve the embattled cause of good. But close behind these lone Knights of the Word swarm the , ravening forces of the Void. Angel Perez has her own quest, one that will take her from the ruins of Los Angeles to a distant, secret place where the race of Elves has dwelled for untold centuries. If they fail, humanity falls. As the legions of darkness draw the noose tighter, those chosen to defend the soul of the world must prepare to fight with, and for, their lives. Формат: 10,5 см x 17,5 см.
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