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Maths for Economics. Geoff Renshaw

Maths for Economics. Geoff Renshaw

3395 руб Заказать
Some students embarking on this module feel that they have lost their confidence in maths, or perhaps never had any in the first place. Many years of teaching led Geoff Renshaw to develop Maths for Economics as a resource which builds your self-confidence in maths by using a gradual learning gradient and constantly reinforcing learning with examples and exercises. Once you are confident that you have firmly grasped the foundations, this book will help you to make the progression beyond the mechanical exercises and into the development of a maths tool-kit for the analysis of economic and business problems. The author has designed the book so that whether you have a maths A level, GCSE, or perhaps feel that you need to go back over the very basics, knowledge is built up in small steps, not big jumps. The online resource centre contains the following resources: For Students: Ask the author forum Excel tutorial Maple tutorial Further exercises Answers to further questions Expanded solutions to progress exercises For Lecturers (password protected): Test exercises Graphs from the book Answers to test exercises PowerPoint presentations Instructor manual
2011. This is a skill which will prove valuable for your degree and for your future employers.
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