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Collins Easy Learning Chinese Characters. Collective

Collins Easy Learning Chinese Characters. Collective

579 руб Заказать
With thousands of characters to learn, beginning to read and write Chinese is a daunting task. Learn how to write 250 of the commonest Chinese characters, with stroke by stroke guidance on every page. The meaning of every character is explained along with information about its radical, the compound words it can form, its history, and more. Aimed at learners, this book takes you through 250 of the commonest characters in a clear and accessible way. It is generally agreed that learners of Chinese need a working knowledge of about 100 characters in order to make themselves at all understood and to travel in China, so Easy Learning Chinese Characters is a great place to start. There is a practice grid on every page, showing how the character is written, with space for you to practice writing the character for yourself.
Из серии: Collins Easy Learning
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